My healing journey began long before I was diagnosed with Lymphoma in May! And a part of that healing began in March when Vijnana opened in Middleton, MA. One of my oldest and dearest friends began her natural healing path when her son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. She introduced me to vijnana and the ees system. There are many benefits to the ees system one of them being that it can bring your cells up to a number where cancer can’t live! Now when I say nothing is a coincidence I mean i truly believe we are where we are supposed to be. Even being diagnosed with cancer twice I still believe this! There has to be a reason for me getting sick twice. I’m still trying to figure it out but there has to be a reason, that is part of the reason why I began writing this because maybe I can help someone in some way! The people and experiences I have had at vijnana is another reason I believe nothing is a coincidence. One time when I was in the ees room I was with 2 woman (it is a room with 4 chairs and 4 towers of screens), one woman was a shaman and another was an author. Normally you don’t always talk because it is a time for healing and some people like to meditate. The 3 of us talked the whole time. The author happened to write a book about grief and me still grieving the loss of my father it was just what I needed. The shaman was telling us about an acupuncture place in Haverhill, MA that was amazing. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago when I was at Vijnana for my weekly visit and I was in the ees room with a man that was telling my friend and I about this acupuncture place in Haverhill, I get in my car and have a text message from my aunt that she was at said acupuncture place in Haverhill doing an energy healing that her sister conducts there!! I told her I was just talking about Tone Ren moments before and she said “There are no coincidences”. There are so many other reasons and experiences that I’ve had that have proven that there are no coincidences I could go on and on but today I am just so thankful about my journey at Vijnana and the healing and peace I have gained from here!
You are right, there are no coincidences!! Everything happens for a reason. I love you and I'm so freaking proud of you!! This is only the beginning of this beautiful journey you're on, my friend.